Hey Guys!
Since I don't have any classes today, I thought I could start with some of the new topic I'll start with the blog-makeover.
So first I'm going to tell you about my trip to London.
I was there because of the graduation trip the school organizes every year for the 12th class. I could have opted for Barcelona or Venice (like my best friends) but I didn't because I reaaallly wanted to go to London. I mean don't get me wrong, I love summer and the rain, so the weather wasn't the crucial criteria. I didn't even go with my best friends, the only person I got along with before the trip was a girl that has been in my form since 5th class.
But yes, that was it - introverted little Sara decided to go alone (with a not as good friend) to London. And I can tell you I don't regret it a single second!
The best was when we got to know who was in which city trip - my current crush was also in London. So you can tell that I was by far really happy.
On September 22nd we started the trip in the evening to get to London by bus. From south Germany. What means 16 hours of sitting in a bus with 60 other people.
Since I sleep with my mouth a bit open, I hate to sleep when other people are around. I can tell you that this night started really funny with everyone being super excited but when everyone got tired it was torture. I didn't have to be scared of falling asleep becaus eit was impossible with all the boys trying to have it comfy in the little coach seats. My friend and me had really luck to have 2 seats next to us unoccupied so both of us had 2 seats to spread ourselves. But the poor boys hadn't. In the night when half of the bus was sleeping it was pretty boring for me since my friend slept almos the whole journey. The only person who was also awake was a girl I only had biology with and I thought she was really strange. Punk style and mhhhh... But I was totally wrong! She was so nice and we played till 4am Mahjong on her Tablet. And yeah there was my crush trying to sleep 2 seats in front of me but he was by far to tall for his seat.

We were all so happy to finally get into a bed or have a shower but we couldn't get into the hostel, because we arrived to early to check in. You can imagine 60 exhausted faces of youngsters looking at their teachers.
So we still had 2 hours till we could check in, and our 4 teachers tooked us to Camden Market. We finally got something proper to eat - I got some indian chicken. Hahah and than while we were all eating and sitting by the little river in Camden, one of the boys got shitted by a bird. Hilarious!
The teachers told us that we could go back to the hostel by ourselves or with them at 3pm. My friend and me were so tired that we decided to go alone back and relax a bit in the hostel lounge but that didn't occur. We got lost in our first ride with the Underground. We landed up in nowhere and had to drive back to Camden and try it once again. And this time we did it :D
When we arrived to the hostel everyone was already there and we finally got into our rooms. By the way the rooms were huge - we were 10 girls in the room. We had normal bunk beds but all the others had 3 storey bunk beds!
In the evening we went to Chinatown (where most of us went eating), Covent Garden (where I was with the punk girl, her friend, some other from my french class and my crush and his friends in Five Guys).
After that we went to Picadilly Circus where one of the teachers got lost for over an hour in Cool Britannia while everyone was waiting outside. We visited Trafalger Square and had the option to go back to the hostel with the teachers or do what we wanted but get back till 12pm. I was so tired - like almost everyone- that I went home. My friend and 3 other of her male friends went to the Tower Bridge (but she slept about 15 hours, me noooot) On the way home when we sat in the underground one teacher looked at us - me, the punk girl, 4 boys including my crush- and said: "you all look so horrible!" Like... Thank yoouuu!
I know it's incredible but we all went to bed at 10pm since we were soooo exhausted! We were so decent on our graduation trip hahah.
I think I'm going to devide the trip up, since so much happend, I can't tell you everything at once. So what happened on Tuesday I'll tell you in the next post. I hope it's okey and you liked this post!
Lots of love xx
I know it's incredible but we all went to bed at 10pm since we were soooo exhausted! We were so decent on our graduation trip hahah.
I think I'm going to devide the trip up, since so much happend, I can't tell you everything at once. So what happened on Tuesday I'll tell you in the next post. I hope it's okey and you liked this post!
Lots of love xx